04.27.20 playlist  

//1 - We often hear from students that they want to be the next Elon Musk. Partly because he is trying to revolutionize transportation here on earth and in space. The fact that he is a billionaire probably doesn’t hurt either. This article offers a detailed glimpse into his daily life. Last week the Hack Club hosted him for a live interview -- Check it out here. If you need more Elon in your life, listen to his 2017 TedTalk that got over 16 million views.


//2 - As you work your way through these playlists, you are going to need place to show off all of your new creations. Take some time this week to create a personal website for yourself. You can use this website to apply for jobs, as part of your college application or to generate new business as an entrepreneur. We like this easy to follow guide from the Hack Club. If you scroll down to the bottom of their page, you can see some samples from other students and professionals. More personal website inspiration here.


//3 - We know it’s tough to stay off of Netflix these days, but here’s a reason to turn it on this week. Night on Earth uses new technology to film a six-part series that captures the hidden life of animals at night. Just as fascinating is the behind the scenes look at how they made the documentary.


//4 - As we continue to social distance ourselves from each other, robots are finding new ways to help in grocery stores across the world. Will this become the new normal? Watch the 5 robots changing the future of retail here.


//5 - Time to give your eyes a screen break and throw in your earbuds. This podcast explores the $150 billion dollar gaming industry and how mixed-reality games are changing the way people play.


//6 - As you know, we are obsessed with trying to figure out what the jobs of the future will look likeThis article nicely captures how jobs are evolving. Have you thought about becoming an artificial organ designer, a biofabricator, an ethical hacker, a massive 3D printed building designer, a biomimicry innovator, or a quantum computer programmer?


//7 - Time to brush up on your professional communication skills as some companies will likely offer virtual tech apprenticeship this summer. Join the Boston PIC’s webinar this Wednesday at 3:00pm using this link to learn about writing professional emails, using LinkedIn and more.